How CDC is Making COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations


#COVID19 vaccines will be an important tool to help stop this pandemic. CDC’s Dr. Cohn explains how the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent group of experts, develops recommendations and advises CDC on the use of vaccines in our country and the process for making recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines.

Learn about how CDC is making COVID-19 vaccine recommendations:

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  1. Inovio Pharmaceuticals vaccine found effective against Covid-19 WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS. Further, it’s DNA vaccine is stable at room temperature, and may be kept for over a year without refrigeration and up to 5 years with refrigeration.
    Other Pharmaceuticals vaccine has been reported to have caused many side effects in those who have been inoculated and some have experienced very severe and concerning symptoms too.

  2. Rational minded human beings do not want your garbage vaccine for a supposed virus that hasn’t fulfilled the amended koch’s postulates for viruses. This is a plandemic, period.

  3. 85.6% of C-19 CASES are among those UNDER 65 years of age.
    80.1% of C-19 DEATHS are among those OVER 65 years of age.
    24% of C-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes and hospice care.

    The death rate for those over 85: 11,313 per million.
    The death rate for those 75 – 84: 4,404 per million.
    The death rate for those 65 – 74: 1,641 per million.
    The death rate for those under 65: less than 700 per million.

    Japan has the highest global percentage of 65+, 27%, yet just over 2,000 deaths.
    What do they know/do the rest of the world does not?
    That would take some actual journalism, i.e. not you.

    Covid-19 is not a problem for the young and healthy herd.
    Mother Nature and her buddy Grim Reaper are just doing their jobs, culling the herd of the too many, too old, too sick warehoused too close together as Medicare/Medicaid cash cows in poorly run contagious lethal elder care facilities.

    The US, Brazil, India, Mexico and the UK together have more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of the world combined.
    The top ten countries account for more than 2/3rds of the global deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a wide-spread, contagious, lethal pandemic.

    NYC and six states together account for more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of the country combined.
    The top fourteen states plus NYC account for over 70% of the C-19 deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a national problem.

    Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson and Adams counties together have more C-19 deaths than the ENTIRE rest of Colorado.
    The top ten Colorado counties account for 87% of the C-169 deaths.
    Covid-19 is NOT a state-wide problem.

    There are about 2.8 MILLION deaths every year in the US.
    That’s about 233,000 PER MONTH
    53,800 PER WEEK
    7,700 PER DAY
    320 PER HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nationwide Covid-19 deaths are about 9% of all deaths, but each state is a different story.
    Leading the pack NYC Covid-19 represents almost 30% of ALL deaths.

    Good job, Cuomo!!

  4. i have seen videos of people with allergies can have defects and 6 people died during trial . look into pfizer its hurting people
    the government is not asking for a vaccine its corporation pushing for it since they are all struggling .. don’t let financial greed dictate your health .. our kids and ourselves are at real risk now, more then covid 19 – now we have to worry about getting hurt from these vaccines ..

  5. *A Lot Is Hidden From HUMANITY Including The Fact “Oxygen Therapies” Can Control COVID-19. HUMANITY DECEIVED. Starvations & Diseases by Design. For The Truth About COVID-19 & Other Diseases read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker. We face three things in our lives, Religion, Government & Medicine. All Three Have Failed Humanity.
    “Science Destroys Our Civilization With It’s Man-Made Diseases & Supposed Cures With Its False Science”, exposed by Dr Strecker, Dr Eva Lee Snead, Dr William C. Douglas and a Host of others. Dr Francis Boyle say COVID-19 IS A BIOWEAPON.
    Being Strong Is The Only Choice We Have.

  6. Pubblico qui un estratto dalla relazione 11 Dicembre 2020 contenuta nel sito della FDA, dal titolo: “FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine”, relativa all’autorizzazione concessa per l’utilizzo del vaccino Pfizer-BioNTech nella fase emergenziale del Covid-19:
    ”At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.”
    “Al momento, non sono disponibili dati per stabilire per quanto tempo il vaccino fornirà protezione, né ci sono prove che il vaccino prevenga la trasmissione di SARS-CoV-2 da persona a persona”. A fronte di questa affermazione, non si comprendono i motivi per i quali FDA abbia dato via libera al vaccino. Ma forse si comprendono fin troppo bene.

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