Benefits of Cessation Over Time


This animated infographic shows the positive changes the body experiences over time after quitting smoking.

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  1. Try addressing government school aces adverse health outcomes risk factors for contracting and not surviving COVID-19 they’re probably more risky than cigarette smoking.

  2. Quitting smoking doesn’t illuminate any risk factors in dying since the CDC leaves all humans behind in predatory education you’re looking at Adverse lifetime health outcomes 20+ years of premature death regardless If you smoke cigarettes or not

  3. Untreated Adverse health outcomes of government education rape culture indoctrination with unaccountable professionals who turn their head at predatory rapists educators some underlying conditions Not surviving COVID-19. Auto immune disease, diabetes , pulmonary chronic obstructive disease , stroke , hepatitis, ischemic heart disease. The greatest underaddressed public health since before coronavirus. Detectable by CDC ACES STUDY IN 1995. ACES Medical measuring tool for child abuse. CDC left all humans behind in predatory education. Affect children and affects teachers and staff as well. Now they’re doing it again by reopening schools only addressing Coronavirus,All the public health crisises risk factors. In my opinion CDC by not addressing all public health crisises when safely re-opening schools is spreading COVID-19 I’ve been telling the CDC director for weeks he doesn’t apparently give a care I called it toxic care

  4. I also Call it genocidal medicine and medical professionals predatory culture-based medicine. It’s based on the professionals personal predatory biases which lead to professional disparities undermining and digressing healthcare before it even begins

  5. I quit for 20 years and had 1/3 of my lower lobual lung removed due to previous smoking and a growing lung tumor (cancer) …No matter what…STOP smoking or inhaling anything that effects your lungs.

  6. To me, there is nothing more repulsive than a man who smokes. Actually one, that smokes and eats onions an garlic before our date.😫😝


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