Driving impact in every country


WHO Results Report Programme Budget 2018-2019

“This Results Report lays out the vital work that we do, and shows how, even as we are responding to one public health event or crisis, we are also working to support countries in meeting the health needs of their populations, strengthening their systems, and planning for the unexpected.
With the pandemic dominating the headlines now, it is easy to forget that WHO is simultaneously taking on multiple other health threats, both ancient and modern.
As we work on responding to this pandemic, we must also prepare for the next one. Now is an opportunity to lay the foundations for stronger and more resilient health systems around the world.”
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.



  1. Breaking news ISREAL USA Bill gates who planning dangerous mind control microchip vaccines and posion musqitos launched in USA and all the world my true future report guys pls save the world people 😭 guys

  2. Deflect from only diseases/physician centered health overhaul; and concentrate on health system value-ing all other expertise.
    Prefer prevention rather containment.

  3. 🐻 Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavanthu 🌿
    🐻 Sabbe Satta Bhavanthu Sukhitatta 🌿🌿
    🐻 May all Beings be Happy ❤️💕💗💕💞 പ്പെട്ടത് 🌏🌎🌍 റ്റഗ്ഗംഡ്യൂഗ്ഗം 🐻 🌱🍊🌱🥑🌱🍎🌱🍇 Be Vegan 🌱🥥🌱 റ്റഗ്ഗംഡ്യൂ 🐻

  4. The strategy of any country during a pandemic must be a sustainable one, Sweden is the only country that did it right!
    This is a very basic general overview of virology and immunology in relation to this pandemic that for some bizarre reason are not being discussed by the scientific mainstream. There are likely dozens if not hundreds of corona virus antibody immunity’s in all of us right now from historic past pandemic outbreaks. Right now in present time there are 7 corona viruses circulating the globe that nobody really even knows exist caused by two fundamental biological factors; virulence dilution from our internal immune defense mechanisms (population acquired immunity or herd Immunity) and antigenic shift (mutations). (This is also precisely the reason why there has never before in history been an effective vaccine for a cor/virus or viably effective flu/vac). The virulence is invariably weakened and the spike and surface proteins will have altered by the Ribosome’s error prone RNA polymerase replication system inside the cells nucleus long before any vaccine has time to be developed and tested. It is within the biological survival mechanism of flu/cor viruses that continually alter their genomic blueprint, causing a perpetual vaccine catch up game with microbiologists/chemists, like a dog chasing it’s own tail, by the time they develop one vaccine, the virus will have changed just enough that the drugs effectiveness will virtually be nullified and round and round they go.

    Even though SARS-cov-2 is considered a novel virus, our immune system recognize cov19 at least in a partial RNA sequencing and the foreign invader is usually snuffed with relative ease and commonality. In microgenetics terms by definition there are no such things as a totally novel and independently genetically coded virus, they all share similar RNA sequencing and hijacked and borrowed protein micromachinery. This is exactly why Sars-cov-2 goes undetected and is completely benign and harmless in the vast majority of the populations infections. There is a response to partial antibody T-Cell memorization recall recognition occurring with almost everyone across the globe making the virulence malignancy very weak within the healthy population.

    The problems only really occur with corona as with flu virus infections when the immune system is damaged or significant degradation in very old people or people with severe chronic comorbidity’s or other severe immunocomromise diseases.


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