Epidemic preparedness – a wise investment: the Uganda story


With an Ebola outbreak ongoing in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2019, authorities in Uganda stepped up their health and response systems in readiness of possible important of the deadly virus. This investment in epidemic preparedness paid dividends, protecting Uganda citizens from an outbreak of Ebola. More information: https://www.afro.who.int/news/ebola-response-bolsters-ugandas-covid-19-fight


  1. Globalist BS! The preparedness you want is just more money so you can keep the propaganda on the next one, and selling Gates’s Vaccines.

  2. Globalist BS! The preparedness you want is just more money so you can keep the propaganda on the next one, and selling Gates’s Vaccines.

  3. WHO we are lucky to have you and despite a few loud ignorant children we are all very much thankfull by the amazing job done by this orginasation. Mistakes are unavoidable and easily forgiven given the scale of the task laid at your feet. The world needs a global healthcare organisation like the WHO and that is a simple truth.


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