Gov. Polis, Colorado officials announce behavioral health blueprint


Gov. Jared Polis and other state officials outlined a roadmap to improve Colorado’s behavioral health system.


  1. Why not reform the medical practice of handing out terrible pharmaceuticals!?
    Oh yeah you want there money not to really help them.

  2. I feel sorry for some of the elected officials in our state. Because of the bad decisions they have made, they have become so hated. And people have good memories when it comes to political leaders. The people are likely not going to forget the politicians’ names or the decisions they’ve made. They will likely be hated for a long, long time. Its really sad. I’m praying for them.

  3. How much mental illness did King Polyp the 1st cause with his ridiculous lockdowns?

    Excise that cancerous piece of crap at the ballot box.


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