Governor Polis Provides COVID-19 Update with Education and Mental Health Officials (Sept. 29, 2020)


Governor Jared Polis provided an update on the state’s response to COVID-19 and how the pandemic is affecting Colorado students on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.

He was joined by Commissioner of Education, Dr. Katy Anthes, Superintendent of Aurora Public Schools Rico Munn, and Dr. Chris Rogers, Director of Child and Adolescent Services at the Medical Center of Aurora and President of the Colorado Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Society.

Press release:


  1. Continuity of gov=treason! US govs using UN mandates instead of US constitution=Treason. Destroying our rights for the UN one world gov agenda=TREASON! NWO Nazi Polis-Schultz gotta go! Arrest for TREASON! All Colorado govs ARE COMMITTING TREASON! NWO GOTTA GO! Operation Zero NWO is underway! All are called to participate! Be a Hero, Create Zero!

  2. US govs USING FAKE SCIENCE FOR THE ONE WORLD GOV AGENDA! 5000 DRS ARE PROVING WHY YOU WORLD GOVS ARE LIARS! We shall arrest all participating in the UN one world gov agenda and hang for treason! UN and Federal Reserve are going down!


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