President Trump Holds a Roundtable with Stakeholders Positively Impacted by Law Enforcement


President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Stakeholders Positively Impacted by Law Enforcement.

The White House


  1. I`ve got a question for The Vice President, being;
    According to this video;
    You are `Arrested and Executed´.
    How does it feel to Be Alive and also “dead”?
    Im not in a funny mood however, this is serious business.
    Are we to believe that arrests are being made, and that those whom evil do Truly are being punished, then seeing People in `The List´ who evidently are alive isnt making things more credible.
    I want to believe that things are happening, that the children are being saved and those whom have harmed them are being taken care off with a punishment which is befitting their crimes.
    Another individual in the list (for example) is George Sorrows, of whom we know that He is funding Antifa and BLM.
    But if he were truly executed, both Antifa and BLM wouldve lost their funding, and they`ld have faded away, most likely, which they haven`t…
    Making it very unlikely to be true that George Sorrows truly was executed.
    We need Truth, we need information which we can rely upon.
    As it seems to me, it`s all just a sneaky way in which the rich and famous can disappear underground without suspicion, while us surface dwellers suffer and die.
    Other then that, more on topic;
    Real Officers of The Law are Great People.
    They go above and beyond the call of duty, no questions asked, for People they do not know.
    That is commendable, and deserves the greatest respect, Always.
    `nuf said.
    Have a Wonderously Blessed Day with those You Love and Appreciate!
    And thank You for Your Time and Efforts, every day again!!

  2. he offered for the media to ask the guests questions on the subject at hand but instead they ask unrelated questions.

  3. What you need to get your head around is, that everything is not about your re-election.
    At this moment in time it’s about whether people are alive or dead.
    If you can’t manage that, you need to get out of the seat, because you’re in the wrong job.
    Particularly at this time.

    Now, the response to the racist instagram sent to St Clair, read below:
    Great tell them on Instagram, that message was meant for the ENTIRE Socialist Democratic Party and all the immoral politicians like Biden Pelosi and the rest. The people are fed up with your lies racist hate and division and by the way you’ve already lost the 2020 Election its called SMACKDOWN the DNC for 2020 & bury them already.

  5. hotcool= during my studies in the USA I was a victim of hit-and-run accident may 1997 Houston.Tx near NASA. Due to the quick response of the police and the emergency I am OK = thank you

    hotcool = covid 19 = control = self-defense- scientific self-care= Not =self-hate-self infestation = be safe nice =thank you

  6. Друзья ! У вас крутой честный президент
    Берегите его
    Он открыл войну против зла

  7. I’m glad you think bill bar is doing a great job because I don’t mr. President I think you are doing a wonderful job for our country and our people but they’re not.and the director of the FBI are not doing a great job. They have all the evidence since 2017 about how Obama and the Obama Administration framed General Flynn and Skype on you illegally and haven’t did anything about it Obama needs to be put on the witness stand .The Whistleblower told everything about how the Obama Administration frame General Flynn and spyed on you President Trump and they know because it’s in the FBI Files they have known about this since 2017 and have not did anything about it in fact bill bar said that he didn’t want to put Obama on the witness stand because it was an election year what it has a formal president got to do with it election year . Why is he is protecting him just like when Bill Barr and the director of the FBI went before a judge and tried to stop Tom flinton from putting Hillary Clinton on the witness stand then we know all of this stuff is going on President Trump and how they are protecting Obama and Hillary will you please tell me why they are protecting them I’m very very very upset about all of this thinking that they are treasonous traitors to our country for not doing Justice isn’t that what the doj and the FBI is Justice or they’re supposed to be Justice why would they protect two criminals from being punished and I’m talking about Obama and Hillary and the rest of his game they’re all guilty and yet all doj and FBI are protecting them will you please tell me why that they are doing this because in my eyes this makes them look like treasonous traitors of our country by not serving Justice just because someone used to be president does it mean they are above the law in fact they tried to overpower you they didn’t mind trying to put you in jail and general Flynn they should be punished for their crimes please let me know why the doj and FBI are protecting Obama and Hillary Clinton. My husband died for this country and I hope it wasn’t for nothing because I believe in Justice and Justice needs to be served on Obama and his administration that were corrupt and we’re against our country and great people like you President Trump and general Flynn please for God’s sakes Let There Be Justice on them because we the American people I’ve been waiting for this a long long time

  8. We need a healing in this country. So why not bring both sides, the good and the bad so we can come together and have a civil conversation. The way this was set up you become no better than the people you’re calling hypocritical because you only showing one side. I think you should have those who have been helped by law enforcement as well as those who have been mistreated by law enforcement. I feel we should talk about the horrible ambush on the cops that got killed as well as the horrible ambush on Breanna Taylor who was killed by cops. This country will never heal until it is no longer “Left” this and “Right” that, Black vs White, BLM vs Police and everything else that comes in disagreement. I have a dream that one day we will become ONE PEOPLE and ONE NATION.

  9. Trump, get your ass in gear and do your d*mn job!!!! You don’t use cops against domestic militant combatants!!!! You use the military!!!! You use military courts and you use death. You f*cking idiot. No wall is built (that means 2100 miles of it). No Obamacare overturned. No arrests of these assh*les committing domestic terrorism. No assest of certain governors and/or mayors. No reopening of the economy. YOU said a couple weeks of shut down for virus. It’s been 4 months. YOU lied to us. YOU care more about Dr. Falsey and his lies than you care about the American people. And YOU want me to vote for you. Like hell I will. I want WAR and I want it NOW. Violence against the communist Democrats is the answer. You lying sack of shit. I knew Obama needed death before you even thought about going into politics. That’s job #1.

  10. Our officers are our front line. They have the authority to keep our streets clean. Gods with every single one! Without them I wouldn’t want to see what the streets would turn into. We need to know who actually works on removing our officers

  11. God breathes for us while we sleep. He also gives us bravery, ideas, and in some cases prophets for safety as well as knowledge! All meant to be for the goodness of mankind. In God I trust… we are THE people, together we excel, apart we fight

  12. I, personally forgive everyone till the day I die. I hope everyone follows my lead. Grudges are unhealthy to one self

  13. Politicians families and friends need us, they are targeted now by the other half of them. Tooooo many to know all unless your the ones setting them up

  14. Thanks for supporting ❤️ our police force. No funding assistance for all States defunding POLICE force

  15. This jack ass is lost and the sheep of america are following him to the kool aid ( for you slow generation it was a mass killing by a holly roller nut like trump). He keeps saying how we are the first in building ventilators. when what we should be focused on is how to get to the point that no ONE in america would need a ventilator. but thats to hard for someone who puts profits over lives. kill America and you have economy since dead people don’t buy things.

  16. Could we make these round table talks, daily press conferences, etc., a legal requirement to maintain POTUS status? Because it’s going to suck when we are left back in the dark after President Trump (who has been the hardest and best thus far) terms are over!

  17. Short sentences for many pedophiles, but 10 years for damaging a monument? Really? Thank you to our sociopathic-narcissist president!

  18. It s so apparent that these dem/leftist areas Ruled by socialists are succombing to the anti American, radical left more and more. These protests are not positive or peaceful. Thanks to our President Law and order will prevail. Our police should be more appreciated, definitely.

  19. 💕 “We must never forget why we have, and why we need our military. Our armed forces exist solely to ensure our nation is safe, so that each and every one of us can sleep soundly at night, knowing we have guardians at the gate.”- Allen West. Thank you President Donald J.Trump for your continuing hard work, honesty, integrity, bravery and Patriotism, YOU + ARE + APPRECIATED!!!! 💕

  20. It is right that police are held to account when they break the law, but for every George Floyd there are many more instances where the police have saved black lives. Many cops are black because they understand that minority communities depend the most on the police for their security.

  21. That poor boy has autism due to Vaccines. We need to stop poisoning vaccines from being giving to our children. Stop mandated vaccines.. Thank You to our NYPD Men and Women

  22. Michael Cohen back in jail, solitary confinement. Roger Stone, free. Attorney General William Barr muzzles Cohen. Smells bad. Sleazy & slimey in the swamp.  Life in the times of Trump Covid Virus.


  24. The Marxists and insurgents want to REMOVE our Police to be replaced by UN troops and INTERNATIONAL CONTROL. This needs to STOP NOW!

  25. Дональд, сегодня флоте сгорел военный корабль. На флоте нужно выявить группу риска, все тех кто может совершить саботаж.
    Нужно выявить всех коммунистов на флоте, они могли прийти на флот по китайскому иранскому или российскому заданию.
    Так же радикалы встречаются и среди мусульман.

  26. I’m going to give you a small hint to what I am talking about. One that I already put out some time back that no one has figured out how it connects with what I am saying + I will add another small part of this puzzle. Think Astros algorithm sign stealing + read the well respected articles and come back to answer the following questions—>'%20sign%2Dstealing,home%2C%20a%20new%20report%20reveals.&text=A%20Major%20League%20Baseball%20investigation,the%202017%20and%202018%20seasons.

    “If” I am good at working with 1’s and 0’s does your good grammar and spelling make you better than me?
    Can you understand how this AI destroys all data safety?
    Do think our evil overlord have a major problem on their hands that is way to late to fix?
    Do you understand that this type of AI is already out in the world at a level that will destroy our evil overlords?
    If you answer no to all be honest you do not understand how encryption works do you?

  27. Thankyou mr president for shining a light on our hero’s. I know first hand that sometimes they will make mistakes. But, I wouldn’t want to live in a land without them. Most are very decent people that really care about the community where they live and despite seeing the worst of the worst on a daily basis. Somehow keep their act together so they can continue to serve.

  28. الله الخالق صانع السموات و الارض
    الله صانع الدنيا
    الله خالق الناس و العباد
    يوجد في الدنيا الا
    معيشة الناس و العباد في الدنيا و الارض و السموات و عبادة الله
    مفهوم ما في الدنيا
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس
    قال الله تعالى
    وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ [سورة الأعراف:179]
    كثير من الناس و الشعوب في نار جهنم خالدون و ما ادراك ما خالدون في نار جهنم و مازال اكثر من ذلك
    هم الكفار و الفجار و الكاذبون و الخبثاء و المنافقون و المكذبون و الطغاة و الفاسقون و الحاسدون في نار جهنم خالدون
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس
    الرعب و الخوف يوم القيامة و الاخرة
    و قليل من الناس في الجنة المسلمون صدق و حق
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس


  29. الله الخالق صانع السموات و الارض
    الله صانع الدنيا
    الله خالق الناس و العباد
    يوجد في الدنيا الا
    معيشة الناس و العباد في الدنيا و الارض و السموات و عبادة الله
    مفهوم ما في الدنيا
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس
    قال الله تعالى
    وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ [سورة الأعراف:179]
    كثير من الناس و الشعوب في نار جهنم خالدون و ما ادراك ما خالدون في نار جهنم و مازال اكثر من ذلك
    هم الكفار و الفجار و الكاذبون و الخبثاء و المنافقون و المكذبون و الطغاة و الفاسقون و الحاسدون في نار جهنم خالدون
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس
    الرعب و الخوف يوم القيامة و الاخرة
    و قليل من الناس في الجنة المسلمون صدق و حق
    مفهوم الدروس مفهوم الدروس



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