Tony Stafford / Ford’s Fish Shack



  1. Restaurants…greasy spoons! Regional. Franchise Food. America loves to eat! And we travel. We like to do both……saves a lot time packing lunches. Lots of cooks. Lots of waitresses……..gotta get them lady’s back at it! It’s them tips……ya know! They got kids…or working there way thru school. Or maybe Both! Aside from sitting behind a cashier machine….ain’t much work for general labor high school..young America. And factory work? Well ya go thru a temp agency if ya want to get into a really good place. But your the first to get laid off. Timing everything….throw in some kids. Small restaurants always hiring! Heck I’ve washed dishes more then once. You do what ya gotta due. Spend thrifty!

  2. God Bless You, Your Employees, and your families! So cool! Nice to meet the best people of all- The Everyday USA HEROES!!!! We are with you!

  3. Love this hard working man. You can tell he cares about his employees and his customers because he doesn’t buy himself fitted shirts and pricey suits, instead he is out here pounding pavement trying to make sure they feed their families and pay their rent on time. Working for this man must be a blast! He seems so nice, you can tell he smiles a lot.

  4. By REUTERS   APRIL 28, 2020 20:22
    British scientists advising the government have concluded that wearing a face mask has a small effect on stopping a coronavirus carrier from infecting someone else, and the evidence is weak, deputy chief scientific adviser Angela McLean said on Tuesday.
    “There is weak evidence of a small effect in which a face mask can prevent a source of infection going from somebody who is infected to the people around them,” she said.

  5. Your half eaten steak is the next guy’s hamburger
    Your stale bread is the next guy’s croutons
    The migrants spitting in your food because they someone said you stole their country


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