U.S. Surgeon General’s Message: How College Students Can Stay Healthy on Campus



  1. Hey Gerome, I’ve got a message for you. 
    STOP!!!!! Stop pushing the scamdamic down people’s throats!!!! We don’t want to hear any more about your stupid frankenvirus!!!! Leave us alone!!!

  2. Virtual Debate … biden debating himself and losing.
    Presidential Debate Commission! what “official” body is that?

    Dump them…
    Set an alternative venue, a time
    and an open invitation to Biden to come to if he’s up for a debate …

    otherwise leave him to his handlers and bunker
    honestly, most people don’t want to hear from him anyway

    “We know what failure looks like … the Obama-Biden administration …”
    We also know what disaster would look like and they both have someone in-common

    Bad-bet-Biden and High-Risk-Harris

  3. I have not worn a mask one time, but to be able to go back to in class learning I’d wear a mask. This is my second year and I’m an older American and I am not good at teaching myself. I didn’t wait this long to get a degree to go to online only school. I’m struggling but I can not quit. My granddaughter( oldest grandchild) and I have plans to walk the stage in June 2021 along with my oldest daughter (her mother) with an Associate Degree . It’s very important and rare for 3 generations of a family to accomplish that. We plan to be that family😍. Something needs to be done to get all our lives back to some kind of normal. It’s WAY past time!! Trump 2020 ❤🇺🇸💙🙏🐾

  4. But Hippocrates said 2,500 years ago: “If you are sick and still eating, YOU ARE FEEDING YOUR ILLNESS. Stop eating and you will heal.”
    Plutarch, 1st Century AD Philosopher said: “Fasting is your best physician.”
    A Japanese researcher, Dr. Ohsumi won a Noble Prize for his 25 years of studying the bodies process that is triggered by fasting called “autophagy” – Greek for “Self eating”. The autophagy process when triggered goes after “anything superfluous to life” in the body including viruses, bacteria, dead/dying cells, edema, inflammation, etc. etc. – “anything superfluous to life (that doesn’t belong there)”.

    Stop listening to these corrupt “believe the science” people. Listen to experiential wisdom handed down through the ages.

    Signed: Long-time multi-day and intermittent faster – and the healthiest person I know at any age. I’m nearly 70. And never sick cause I fast every day for about 20 hours.

  5. I always get the flu shot, not this year , it’s very bad to get vaccinated while you are forced to wear masks all day breathing in co2

  6. Stop telling us to wear a mask that doesn’t even work and inconvenience speach. STOP locking us in are tiny dorm rooms because we sneezed its fall and harvest we are all going to sneeze it allergy season dummies. You co.e to the Midwest and not sneeze for 6 months to a year.


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